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My ✩✩✩✩✩ Reads

Check out some of my all-time favourite reads and follow along as I discover more amazing 5 star reads.

Check my blog for full reviews.

All of my 5 star read reviews will also have a suggested audio playlist, curated by me, with music that I felt fit the mood of each book. Enjoy!!

2024 ✩✩✩✩✩ Reads

Kate Morton

Family secrets are always the most interesting and this book is full of them! Each story within the story revealed sadness and hope.

Find the full review on my blog!


Michael Crummey

I felt like I was tagging along behind every walk Sweetland took. It felt very vivid in my mind, like a memory of a place I’ve visited so many times before.

Find the full review on my blog!


Remarkably Bright Creatures
Shelby Van Pelt

Remarkably Bright Creatures ends off perfectly, with the best one liner of the book, that can make you smile and say “yes, that’s quite right!”

Find the full review on my blog!

Neil Gaiman ✩✩✩✩✩ Reads

American Gods

The 'behind the scenes' story of what happens to the Gods we believe in if we stop believing. What happens if there's a war between the new and the old?

Find the full review on my blog!



What if there were an entirely different world beneath modern day London? Full of mystery and surprising people, Neverwhere cannot be found on a map.

Find the full review on my blog!


The Ocean at the End of the Lane

When a pond becomes an ocean... What other mysterious experiences happen at the end of the lane?

Find the full review on my blog!

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